Building Automation in Atlanta

Our houses, which formerly served only to shield us from the weather, are on their way to becoming “alive,” intelligent gadgets that learn our behaviors and modify the world around us appropriately. Building automation in Atlanta is here now, and there is a plethora of methods to take advantage of it and guide your house into the future.

Building Automation in Atlanta

Building Automation in Atlanta - Smart Lighting

A smart lighting system allows a homeowner to see his or her house “in a different light.” LED light bulbs that are WiFi-enabled may be turned on/off, dimmed, or even changed colors in real time using your phone, tablet, or computer. Some lighting control systems may even detect when someone enters or exits a room, or be configured for different time cycles based on your daily requirements. Access to every part of your home’s lighting may appear to be a luxury, but it will save you money on your power bill.

Building Automation in Atlanta - The Wi-Fi Thermostat

The majority of your home’s power use is accounted for by heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC). Unless your system is relatively new, you’re continually returning to the thermostat to maintain a pleasant – and cheap – temperature, or keeping it at a favored setting regardless of the costs. With the advancement of the thermostat, you can now put this crazy behind you. Your thermostat in an automated house remembers what you set it at and when you set it, and after a short period of time, it creates a tailored routine. You can operate it from your mobile device, just like smart lights, even while you’re not at home.

Building Automation in Your Home

The majority of your home’s power use is accounted for by heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC). Unless your system is relatively new, you’re continually returning to the thermostat to maintain a pleasant – and cheap – temperature, or keeping it at a favored setting regardless of the costs. With the advancement of the thermostat, you can now put this crazy behind you. Your thermostat in an automated house remembers what you set it at and when you set it, and after a short period of time, it creates a tailored routine. You can operate it from your mobile device, just like smart lights, even while you’re not at home.

Benefits of Building Automation

Building automation in Atlanta has been unattainable for small and mid-sized institutions for a long time. Building automation systems need to be installed on a large scale in a reasonable timeframe to see a profit. However, now that costs have fallen, a lot of organizations have decided to take advantage. Here are some advantages: lower expenses, enhanced management, and data.

Cost savings is the first benefit to consider. With a building automation system, you can set a schedule for when to heat or cool a building, thereby reducing the amount of energy needed to maintain that temperature. This gives you a financial benefit, since energy costs can eat up a big chunk of a building’s budget. Setting a schedule for heating or cooling also gives you greater control over when those systems are used, making it possible to save even more energy. As a top industrial electrician, MD Electrical Integration is proud to offerbuilding automation in Atlanta.